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Another year has gone by. Can’t believe the year has actually just sailed by. There goes three year old kindy and Aidan is officially starting four year old kindy in a month’s time.

This is how a year looked like to me, in 81 photos 🙂 Enjoy.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. God bless and have a wonderful, peaceful, joyful and healthy ney year.

A special present from Aidan. We got a few wrapped up gifts on the last day of kindy. Assuming they were all Aidan’s, we helped Aidan open them up on Christmas Day. But what I found, wrapped in one of Aidan’s artwork with lots of colourful stampings, was this folder, with photographs and Aidan’s artwork compiled by his class teacher, Mrs. Lynda Lu.

I was so touched by her dedication and thoughtfulness for us parents. And I am glad that we at least bought her a pretty bookmark, from Aidan, and a bottle of non-alcoholic sparkly from us. We have never seen this pics before. At least I have chance to peek into a day of Aidan’s kindy time when I do fruit duty, but Wilkin has never seen all the actions before. This is truly the best present we get this year.

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 You have done well, little bubba. We are glad you love school.

And as for Mrs. Lu, THANK YOU SO MUCH, from the bottom of our hearts.

 Here’s wishing everyone a very blessed wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

will be Nuttino, another version of Nutella, on a slice of toasted wholemeal bread, with one soft boiled egg, and a glass of milk. Guess from which portion of brekky this mess came from?

And now that it’s school holidays, naturally there is more TV sessions. He found one of the old fave vcd, Elmocize, and has been knocking elbows and knees with that, or loads of Charlie and Lola, repeats, repeats and more repeats, that I was actually very surprised to  hear him say exactly what Lola said. I will try recording it one of these days and post in up.

Keep your cool, Mum, keep real cool….

 Omm…. omm….. omm…….

One little rascal emptied the storage box while I am slaving away in the kitchen, and decided to casually pour everything out, just to save time. There were two wooden sets of railtracks, one plastic, one large puzzle, if you can sort them out, amidst the huge mess.

So what did Mama do? Omm….. omm…. omm……..

Me : Come here!

Aidan : *Slowly approaching with caution*

Me : You come here quick!

Aidan : *Ran to me*

I picked him up and carried him into my room, and dumped him onto my bed.

Me : You have been very naughty, made such a big mess, give me more work!

One punishment coming up – I bit his bum bum. He squealed with laughter and begged me not to bite anymore. Did it one more time, just for the fun of it, and to hear him laugh some more.

He dropped his ice-cream on to the floor.

Aidan : Aww…. you dwopt it. What juju doo??! (Aww…. you dropped it. What did you do??!)

Me : What?! ME? You were eating the ice-cream, not me.

Aidan : Naughty mama. (And went to the kitchen for the tea towel)



Aidan : Mama……. yes, bubby. (prompting me to say ‘Yes bubby’) whenever he knows that I am angry with him.


 Aidan : Maamaaaa……… *waiting*……. YES?! (prompting me to say ‘YES’. This is mimicking my mother calling him, and he had to answer her everytime!) If there is no answer, he will say ‘Ooi (that’s my mum!)

Me : Yes

Aidan :  Louder.

Me : YES?!

Aidan : Orrrr….. good boy.

At the moment I am loving the fact that he is able to relate to things that happened in the past. That he dropped his Slurpee, that he asked for my friend’s children whom he just played with days ago, his nieces in KL, and that I told the younger one Yan to put her feet down, or that he unintentionally spied on my sister taking her shower ‘Yee ma shame shame.’

He doesn’t like me going to work still, and I explained to him that I need to work to get money, to buy more trains.

Aidan : More Slurpee.

Contented sigh…

Aidan is very into his trains lately. I hope it won’t drive us bankrupt. The die-cast trains are much cheaper than the ones meant for wooden rail, which are made of real wood, of course, but we much prefer getting him the wooden trains.

As for the tracks, we cheated a bit. The cost of tracks from Imaginarium is only a fraction of Thomas’ and it works just a good, and compatible with Thomas and his friends. Here are four trains made from wood, introducing Diesel, Toby, Emily and Troublesome Trucks.

Then there are Salty, Mavis, Annie, Thomas and Gordon from die-cast range. Believe me when I say I am very proud of myself to be able to keep up with their names. Some look very similar and I am amazed how this boy can tell the difference immediately.

A chugga-chugga-chuggin’ time on Imaginarium tracks and some Imaginarium train friends. Notice there are more tracks in the storage box behind him.

What does it sound like to you?

Aidan has been randomly saying the sentence. I have no idea where he picked it up from, but I am definitely sure I have not said something like that, not Wilkin, not the telly. It may have been some programmes he watched, and knowing his pronounciation, he may have meant…. errmm… ‘two one six?’ Nope. His numbers are very clear. But whatever it is, I am positive it is NOT what I think it is.

Whenever he said that at home, I tried to ask him what he wanted, or otherwise, ignore it. He doesn’t say it on purpose to get attention, as far as I am concerned, so hopefully, this will be just a phase.

But yesterday…. well, yesterday. We were walking along an aisle in the supermarket when he said Ooo wan secs like, three times, LOUDLY, should I stress. Not wanting to create a scene, or make him thing that this really got my attention, apart from being TOTALLY EMBARRASSED, I walked quickly ahead of him.

O…MI…GOSH! What did the others think? That his mother has been offering herself. Hahahaahahaaaaa……. siighhh….